Volume 21, Issue 2 (JIAEEE Vol.21 No.2 2024)                   Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2024, 21(2): 75-86 | Back to browse issues page

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Sarparast-Razmju M, barakati S M, Azghandi M A. Using Selective Harmonic Elimination Method in αβ Reference Frame and Series RC Damper to Improve the Performance of Modular Current Source Active Filters. Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2024; 21 (2) :75-86
URL: http://jiaeee.com/article-1-1579-en.html
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
Abstract:   (1113 Views)
The current source converter offers several superior features such as inherent voltage increase and direct current control, which makes it attractive in active filters as an interface converter between the power source and the nonlinear load. Among the challenges of active current source filters, we can mention the determination of the appropriate reference signal, the design of the current controller, the inherent resonance problem of the passive filter used in the active filter output, and increasing the rated power of the active filter. In this article, to calculate the compensation signal produced by the active filter, a simple and efficient method called selective harmonic elimination method in the αβ reference frame is proposed, and considering that the current and voltage signals in the αβ reference frame are of AC type, a resonant controller is used, which It has the ability to delete selected harmony. To remove the inherent resonance of the virtual passive admittance filter based on resistive-capacitive (RC) series damper, which has better performance and a wider stability range, is proposed. The reactivity method is used to analyze the stability and adjust the characteristics of the damper. To increase the rated power of the filter, the modular structure of the active current source filter is used. Finally, to show the effectiveness of the proposed method, a simulation has been carried out in the Simulink MATLAB environment for four current source filters.
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Type of Article: Research | Subject: Power
Received: 2023/03/5 | Accepted: 2023/07/29 | Published: 2024/06/24

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